Real Property Management Corazon

Roller Coasters, Rental Property, and Real Property Management

Imagine waiting in line for your favorite roller coaster.  Finally! – you get to the front of the line to take your turn on the ride. As the ride zips off, taking you through twists and turns and ups and downs, you feel exhilarated. And though at some points you feel nervous, at the end you know it was worth the wait.  Now apply the same situation to owning and renting real estate rental property. You’ve waited a long time to get to where you can have investment property bringing you an extra source of income. As you search for the perfect investment property, you are filled with anticipation, wondering what kind of ride you will be on as a Reno investment property owner. Now, your turn has finally come to take that ride.

Your Ride Begins

As you find your first tenant and progress through the leasing process, your ride begins. Then the twists and turns and up and downs hit as you wonder if you chose the right people to live in your home and calls come in for maintenance in the middle of the night. As the money for repairs begins adding up,  you find yourself wondering if this ride is really worth it.


Enter Real Property Management Corazon. As a leader in single family home Reno property management, we understand that managing rental property can be a bumpy ride. Therefore we developed a proven and technology-driven process to efficiently and carefully manage properties in the Reno area. Our process, paired with our unsurpassed customer service, allows us to rise above the competition and work with property owners to have the Reno property management ride they desire.

With our services, you can lose that nervous feeling in your stomach over not knowing what twist or curve will be thrown your way next. We take on the difficult challenges that come with being a Reno property manager, and leave you to relax and enjoy the ride.

The next time you are worried about your Reno property management ride, rely on our services to help you enjoy it more!